Alpha 1 Feedback Thread

Alpha 1 is out!
Please drop bugs, comments, things you love/hate here please.

Announcement post: Alpha 1 - Smugglers of Cygnus - Early Access by Longplay Games

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Addressed a small bug where the control info window was left turned off.
It should now show up.

Another bug rearding the ā€œmenuā€ keyboard key on Linux was reported. I have confirmed this does indeed cause a freeze, but will need to dig into the cause.

Next patch will include the first bits of localization - starting with the control info.

Huge thanks to Serge LE TYRANT for the translation. He maintains the awesome linux gaming resource where you can find info on tons of linux-friendly apps and games.

I also fixed the menu bug. Both of these will be in a small update in the next day or two.

Very large bug relating to the scale of the delivery collisions fixed, will be in the next patch.
Working on a bug where mission/job completion will loop and give infinite completions.

Several bugs fixed, devlog here:

So far it appears that ā€˜Ship Handlingā€™ is in the lead for votes on the Patreon.
Iā€™m preparing to undertake the first big handling tweak since we started the Godot port, so please bear with me while it happens.

Ship handling patch is out now:

Give it a shot and let me know how it is

Alpha 1 Patch 3 update stream:

Quick poll: Which term do you like better?

What should we call the place where you land/depart?
  • Hangar Bay
  • Flight Deck
0 voters
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I like hangar because itā€™s enclosed in the pictures. Flight deck sounds like itā€™s open.


Academy ship poll

This is a duplicate of the poll on the patreon, the results will be merged.

Youā€™ve all seen the new academy ship class in the wallpaper. This ship actually will have quite a few upgrades that can be applied to it as we go along.

Which upgrade would you like to see first?

  • Color Customization
  • Different Configurations
  • Different Engines
0 voters

Hey folks - Iā€™m soliciting input.
Please tell me/send me screenshots of your favorite vehicle customization games for gamepad.
Iā€™m redoing the ship shopper to be more gamepad friendly, but not being a heavy gamepad user, this isnā€™t something obvious to me.

The current ship shopper is somewhere between ATS and Borderlands, and itā€™s just not great on steamdeck type devices.