Current Info on Smugglers

Hard at work on Multiplayer - not sure if we’ll be able to get it in the final game, but sure trying hard!

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Patch 10a is out

ALPHA 0 Patch 10a:
Interior bridge piloting is now available for both Conns.

  • You can now use the view toggle (middle mouse click or the right special on the gamepad) to switch between several camera views - including 2 interior.
  • The test scan view has been turned off to be replaced with the coming soon message.
  • This is the final Unreal Engine build for Smugglers. Due to unexpected circumstances, the project will be undergoing a fairly intense review of all art assets and then a port to another engine.
  • The interior piloting views should support a VR headset! Give it a shot, let us know.
  • As always feedback on the forum is appreciated, you can go here: Alpha 0 Feedback Thread or you can join the chat server and tell us directly!

This build has some pretty mammoth bugs. Still working on the texture streaming, level streaming, walking around on planets, and streaming in a planet map to run around.

Planned for the next patch: well - a lot. Stay tuned, it’s going to be a ride.

Recap stream: Smugglers of Cygnus Alpha 0 Patch 10a Live Stream - YouTube

Chapter 16 of @Jess_Alter’s SmugglersOfCygnus book Final Lap is now out for patrons!

Read it here

2022 Dev Wrapup:

A quick little UE4 to Godot port progress shot.

This ship is by far our most complex shader, and here’s the progress we’ve made porting it from UE4 over December:

Initial import:

Lots of visual shader work, but LOTS more to go. Got normal maps, dynamic colors basically working.

A lot of visual shader work, some more mesh/vertex shader work, and now almost ready for final touches!

As I’ve showed off in the Screenshots thread, I’ve been working hard on the ship shader, and made great strides.

Some UV work is still required to fix a few minor glitches, and of course I haven’t learned how to use the rigged engines yet, but at least the rigging seems to have imported properly.

These ships are now completely vertex shader based now, and the entire ship uses a single material now making it as efficient as it was under UE4. The vertex based shader should give us a lot of flexibility for player customization.

Up next are the final pieces, and then I’ll probably save the greeble material for a later revist. After the ship is done, it’s going to be time to start working on planets.

The engines are now painted up, and while I have a few more things to fix up with the Conn, the exterior of the ship is effectively “alpha ready”.

Alpha testers just got sent links to the very first version with all the raytracing and texture features cranked all the way up and animated ship and station.
A pretty solid test for the “deluxe” edition footprint.

Performance reports so far:
@MiguelB: 144 FPS in Linux/Windows with an RTX 3060 :white_check_mark:
@JustJess: 12 FPS in Linux with an Intel HD 650 :x:
@stenpett: 120 FPS in Linux with 1650 TI :white_check_mark:
@stenpett: 60 FPS on Steamdeck :white_check_mark:
@SnakeEyes319: 158 FPS in Windows with an RTX 3080 TI :white_check_mark:
@SnakeEyes319 : 60 FPS in Windows with an RTX 2070 :white_check_mark:
@Mytho: 60 FPS in Windows with a 1050 TI :white_check_mark:
@edallical: 144 FPS in Windows with Radeon 6700XT :white_check_mark:

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Interior work coming along nicely

This shot on Godot I think stacks up pretty well to how it looked on UE4. We’re still some placeholder art pieces, but the models, shaders, and textures are coming along nicely!


And now the other Conn:


The new Bounty Hunter/Smuggler/Pirate backer reward ship is coming along nicely, and it’s closer to being ready for Godot.

Now that the model is back in range for verts and ‘watertight’, it’s time to do the first pass on the normal map, UV mapping, and vertex work.

Took roughly 130 hours to get it from the artist concept to this nearly game-ready model.


We’ve now got an “alpha ready” Spectre. It’s not perfect and it’s not “done”, but it’s good enough to put in the game for players.
Time to move on to the interior of the station!
As always, the ship is vertex color based so the players can adjust the color of the armor, the hull, the wings, the engines, the contrast pieces, all that. Initially it will be available with just one engine configuration (not several, like the Toro) but that may change later. It does have some neat stuff like a big rear loading bay and configurable mission-specific pylons.


Happy to update that the alpha team now has a bleeding edge flyable test build to to get opinions and FPS info on.

This new test build includes a new much higher res HDRI backdrop, SDFGI, and the new Godot 4 RC 6 as well as a ship that can be piloted around to see how the lighting and scene looks from more angles.

The feedback will be immediately integrated.

And now with the planet coming along, as well as the camera controls.
Early indications are that we’re still doing fine on FPS on Steam Deck and 1650ti, waiting for more results.

Chapter 19 of Final Lap by @JustJess is now up on the patreon!

@edallical has shared a quick short from the first pre-alpha Godot build:

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March update stream: March 2023 Longplay Games Smugglers Update - YouTube

This time in Godot it took under 24 hours to rebuild the Job Board, which took the month of February on UE4.

Started work on the Job and Mission system, that’s proceeding rapidly right now.
I’ll update with some screenshots when there’s something more to show.

Just to make sure my testing is reasonably comprehensive:

UI running at 1024x768 (via wine emulated desktop sizing):



The very important Steamdeck resolution of 1280x800:

And now the native scaling base of 16x9 at 1600x900:

1920x1080, the ideal 1080p resolution: